Kent School | Community
Student Leadership
Student Leadership
Leadership at its core is about being of service to others, and each Kent student has the opportunity to help guide the School forward.
Kent students understand that leadership is an inherently selfless action, and that the most effective leaders are the ones who bring out the best in others. Opportunities for leadership come in a variety of contexts, from captaining an athletic team to leading a club, to editing the Kent News to stage managing a theater production, and well beyond.
Senior Council
Senior Council members are elected each year by faculty and classmates to represent and advocate for the student community. Voting for Senior Council members is a process during which students are considered based on their ability to demonstrate approachability, compassion, cooperation, empathy, engagement in school life, humility, integrity, love for Kent School, openness to feedback, passion, problem-solving, resilience, responsibility, selflessness, and the ability to be a team player.
Community Life Stewards
The relationship-centered nature of the Community Life curriculum is best represented by the role of the Stewards, a group of Fifth Form students who are elected and trained to lead each cohort. Stewards facilitate the activities and discussions each week, ensuring that the building blocks of Kent's community are emphasized to students, by students, through the relationships they forge. By applying to become a Community Life Steward, Kent students have the opportunity to shape and reinforce Kent School's understanding of community and how we live our values.
Form Representatives
Each grade level, also known as "Form," elects representatives who build community through open communication, creating events, and supporting the Senior Council and the School on a variety of initiatives.
- Represent the best interests and desires of the school community.
- Organize class activities.
- Help Blue Key Heads.
- Participate in and help organize Form Representative meetings.
- Work with the Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Office on matters of equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice.
- Act as a positive role model for other students.
- Support dorm prefects and faculty by assisting with check-in and other dorm duties.
- Advocate for and assist with working on issues of equity, diversity and inclusion as well as social justice on campus.
Peer Tutors & Counselors
Peer Tutors are trusted academic advisors available during study hall hours each school night. To become Peer Tutors, students apply and then receive training from Kent faculty and staff before they begin working with students. Peer Tutors assist with research, writing, math, languages, and science.
Peer Counselors add an additional layer of support for the mental health and wellness of the Kent community. As trusted confidants, Peer Counselors receive extensive training from Kent faculty and staff to identify when they can be of immediate support, and when the help of the School's professional Counseling Center is required.
Tour Guides & KPOP Leaders
Kent School Tour Guides and KPOP (Kent Peer Orientation Program) Leaders share their energy and passion with prospective families and newly enrolled students.
Tour Guides lead prospective families on a tour of Kent's campus, making a great first impression as they highlight key aspects of the program, the people, and the place. Tour Guides stay in contact with families they have met, serving as another resource as families navigate the process of applying.
KPOP Leaders guide and support new students as they acclimate to our community through summer communication, orientation activities, and a variety of meetings and events.
Student Clubs & Affinity Groups
Led by students and advised by faculty members, the nearly 70 student clubs at Kent School allow students to share common interests and traits with other members of the community, and to deepen their exploration of the world around them. Below is a sampling of the clubs and affinity groups at Kent.
Club or Affinity Group Name | Description |
Active Minds | Active Minds empowers and prepares students with education and knowledge regarding mental health in order to promote mental health and reduce its stigma. |
Adopt a Grandparent | Do you miss your grandparents? We walk to Morningstar, a senior home five minutes away, every Sunday to play bingo and chat. Occasionally, we invite them to campus for concerts or theatre productions. |
Anime Club | We embrace anime around the globe and share thoughts on the two-dimensional anime world. |
Asian Affinity Group | The purpose of this group is to cultivate a sense of belonging among the Asian community at Kent School. |
Asian-American Affinity Group | The purpose of this group is to cultivate a sense of belonging among the Asian-American community at Kent School. |
Astronomy and Physics Club | The Astronomy and Physics Club hosts review sessions and study groups for physics, organizes physics competitions, and explores astronomy—including taking pictures of nebulas. |
Backgammon Club | The Backgammon Club plays games, has fun, and works on chemistry even though it has nothing to do with backgammon. |
Baking Club | This is a club open for anyone who wants to have fun and eat delicious desserts. We make all kinds of baked goods (cookies, cupcakes, brownies, etc.) and help the community service group when they are baking cookies. |
Biology Club | The Biology Club promotes and exposes the concept of biology to those who wish to dive deeper into the world of life sciences. |
Bloomberg Terminal Certification Club | Students will be introduced to the Kent School Bloomberg Terminals and given guidance on how to log on to and complete the ten-hour self-directed e-learning course, Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC). |
Body Positivity Club | The Body Positivity Club discusses body image related issues at Kent and social media. |
Book Club | To put it simply, we are a club that reads books. |
Chemistry Club | The Chemistry Club enjoys fun chemistry labs, attending science fairs, and preparing members to excel in the study of chemistry. |
Coding Club | The Coding Club covers topics ranging from web development all the way to AI and machine learning. Don't worry, you don't need any prior background to tackle problems from coding competitions all the way to various hackathons. Most of the programming is done in html, python, c++, and dart, |
Creative Writing Club | The Creative Writing Club sends out forms for creative writing prompts, solicits feedback on projects or schoolwork, and offers the opportunity to present work. |
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Club | The Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Club discusses the philosophical, economical, and technological reasoning behind the innovative asset class. |
Current Affairs | Current Affairs talks about all types of current events in the news. There are hour-long discussions about any type of media from politics, sports, culture, etc. Any type of current affairs or media can be brought to the table. |
Dance Club | Jazz, Hip-hop, street, KPOP... learn different short, trendy choreography with other students! No dance experience needed; everyone is welcome. Our aim is just to have fun! |
Environmental Club | We take on projects around campus to improve our environmental impact and habitat. |
Equestrian Club | This club is focused on horsemanship and other aspects of being an equestrian. |
F1/Hockey Fanclub | F1/Hockey Fanclub is a club were fellow Hockey and F1 fans get together and watch races and games! |
Figure Skating Club | We run a time slot for figure skaters during free skate, and run the Annual Ice Wars. |
Formula One Club | We watch Formula One qualifying sessions and races on Saturday and Sunday. Anyone is welcome to join! |
Gardening Club | We use the Dickinson greenhouse and overall create a better connection to the planet through nurturing plants. |
GirlUp | A United Nations branch of a club advocating for the rights of women in the world |
Gym Startup Club |
We want to get rid of "gymtimidation," especially in high schools, and educate others who need help starting up everything they need to know, from how to progressively overload, to safe practices, to optional meal structure. |
History Club | A club where we discover different parts of history by reading and even experiencing it. |
History of Kent Club | A club interested in learning about Kent’s fascinating roots. |
Hong Kong Culture Club | This club is to gather the students from Hong Kong and people who have interest in Hong Kong. Together we talk about current events in Hong Kong and also socialize so Hong Kong and Asian students can be more united in Kent school. |
Improv Club | We play games, mess around, and have tons of laughs. You can come to participate, or just hang out and have a good time! |
Innovation Club | A club for anyone who has good ideas, wants to start a business, or is just interested in innovation! |
Jewish Club | We discuss and practice Jewish religion. |
Journalism Club | A chance for Kent students with any interest in pursuing a journalism, publishing, editing, or interviewing position. Our goal is to publish a series of student work that relates and connects our community. |
Kent Artificial Intelligence Lab | The Kent Artificial Intelligence Lab aims to (1) expose students with AI and spark their interests, perform scientific research, apply what we learned in real life, solve community problems, engage in competition, and help students engage in AI learnings. |
Kent Business Club | This club is to bring people together to learn about business and also to collaborate on ideas. I hope to bring in some people to talk to students about different areas of business and there story of how they got into what they do. |
Kent Flag Football Club | The Kent Flag football club is a co-ed sports club that any skill level can join. We aim to organize weekly trainings or games that any Kent student can join in their leisure time to get competitive, break a sweat, and make more friends. |
Kent Game Theory | In the Kent Game Theory club we present the fundamentals of game theory such as prisoners dilemma and much more. Along with my co-founder we have created a discussion based club with interactive games and presentations. |
Kent News | Would you like to participate in the school newspaper and advocate for your own voice? The Kent News publishes recent school events, student opinions, and any topic you're interested about. Hope to see you there! |
Kent School Aviation Corps | We give students the opportunity to learn about aviation and aviation careers from all perspectives— aerospace engineer, commercial pilot, military— and provide opportunities to begin working towards private pilots licenses and drone licenses. |
Kent Esports and Gaming | We will play games and hold tournaments for those games on weekends. |
Knitting and Crocheting Club | If you like to knit or crochet then you should join our club :) We have snacks and drinks, and we play relaxing music! |
KSRPG | A club where all students are welcome to engage in tabletop role-playing games such as dungeons and dragons and cyberpunk. |
Math Team | We'll be covering topics that students generally don't get a chance to expose themselves to during the school year. We'll participate in various math competitions as well as math hackathons where students can work with each other to solve real-world problems. We'll discuss problems ranging from number theory all the way to cryptography (we'll take a hack at enigma -- the machine used in WW2). They'll be also be special lectures hosted by faculty members who would talk about topics in mathematics that excite them. If all of this doesn't excite you, what about watching movies? There'll be snacks. |
Meditations Club | Offer a platform for everyone to relieve stress and communicate with each other. |
Model U.N. | Model UN is a club is a simulation/roleplay group where students can represent themselves as a country, write a scenario, or chair a certain event. KSMUN helps students with public speaking, critical thinking, analysis, creative writing, leadership, and teamwork skills. This club is open to all! |
Music Inspiration & Collaboration Club | We invite music professionals monthly to speak about their work experiences in music-related fields and offer our members the opportunity to collaborate in Kent's music studio. |
Oceana Club | We focus on conserving and protecting defenseless marine life. Our goals are to educate and inform, but also to make concrete, tangible impacts upon marine ecosystems that need our protection through various initiatives. |
Pan-Asians Standing Together (P.A.S.T.) |
P.A.S.T. aims to give Asian students at Kent a home away from home. Our mission is to promote common culture and embrace differences within the Asian body, aid new incoming Kent students to adjust to the Kent environment and community, and make them feel at ease while moving into their new home. It is a cumulative club with many sub-groups for your specific experience whether you are east Asian, Asian American, west Asian, or want to learn more about different cultures. |
Philosophy Club | We meet and share a passage from a philosopher and discuss it. The passage could have a theme for the week or just be something we found interesting. Members can also bring in their own passages. |
Photography & Modeling Club | A space for creativity, students are invited to join Photography & Modeling Club as a photographer, model, or both. |
Physics Club | Have fun with physics! |
REACH | Remember Every Action Can Help (REACH) is Kent's community service organization. |
Rugby Club | The Kent School Rugby club delves into the basics of the game and has fun! |
SOBHU | SOBHU is an affinity group for Black and Hispanic students. |
Social Justice Club | Social Justice Club hosts campus-wide discussions on current events. We help phone bank and attend rallies in surrounding communities. |
Solar Car | The Solar Car Club, in addition to regularly scheduled term activities, builds a fully functioning Solar Car to compete in the national Solar Car Challenge. |
Spanish Club | Spanish Club dives into Hispanic culture and celebrating Spanish-speaking holidays. |
Spectrum | Spectrum is a club for LGBTQ+ identifying students and allies to have an open discussion about their identities and what change they want to see at Kent and beyond. |
Stocks Club | Stocks Club meets and uses Kent's Bloomberg Terminals. |
Sustainability in Fashion | Sustainability in Fashion explores different aesthetics, how to use fashion as a form of self-expression, and upcycling and sustainability in fashion. We hope too promote donation as well as explore the concept of timelessness to curb clothing waste in landfills. |
Swim Across America | Swim Across America is a non profit organization that raises money for cancer research and awareness. |
The Cauldron | The Cauldron is Kent's literary and arts magazine. |
The Hiking Club | The Hiking Club hikes to Numeral Rock, the Macedonia State Park trails, and the Appalachian Trail—all within a short walk from the Kent School campus. |
Theatre Club | Theatre Club travels to see Broadway and other live theatre shows. |
Volleyball Club | The Volleyball Club plays every week and spreads a love for the sport to anyone who wants to play. |
Women Empowerment Club | All self-identifying females in the community come together, support of one another, and enjoy the benefits of a strong female community. |
Yearbook Club | In Yearbook Club, students work together to design the annual school yearbook. Everyone is welcome to contribute! |