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Kent School

Spiritual Life

Kent School students and faculty gathered in the Chapel garden

Spiritual Life

The heart of spiritual life can be found in the mission of Kent School: “To educate students intellectually, socially, ethically, and spiritually so that they will be prepared to contribute to the common good in the world beyond Kent School."

St. Joseph's Chapel is at the literal and figurative center of student experience at Kent. Depending on the occasion, time in the Chapel can range from lighthearted to serious, from challenging to cathartic. And, no matter your faith tradition, you will find the space welcoming and supportive.

Grounded In Tradition

From the beginning, Kent’s core has been connected to the Episcopal tradition. Founded by an Episcopal monk, the School is grounded in the fundamental values of kindness and community and in the warm embrace of those of all faiths welcomed into the Kent family.

Intellectual and Spiritual Growth

High school is a time of change. You will grow and change in many ways in your years at Kent, mentally and physically. You will make new friendships, find new mentors, and deepen your spiritual connection to yourself, others, and the world.

A Gathering Place

While Kent takes pride in its Episcopal tradition, the Chapel is a community space to gather, reflect, and celebrate. While honoring organized religion, more than anything, the Chapel encourages a sense of peace and purpose that comes from an individual feeling of spirituality.



St. Joseph's Chapel

Originally constructed in 1930, St. Joseph's Chapel holds a significant place in the heart of Kent students and alumni.

A sketch of St. Joseph's Chapel at Kent School, created in 1930

Architects Roger Bullard, Arthur L. Harmon, and Philip H. Frohman are credited with the design of St. Joseph's Chapel. Harmon later joined the architecture firm Shreve, Lamb, and Harmon, who designed the Empire State Building. Frohman spent 50 years working on the Washington National Cathedral.

The original construction of St. Joseph’s Chapel began on May 14, 1930 and concluded on September 20, 1930. The stained glass was created by Clement Heaton in the grisaille glass style.

The ten bells in the Chapel Tower were cast on November 15, 1930 by Mears and Stainbank of London, England. The bells were a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Humphrey when the life of one of their sons was spared. Mr. Humphrey was president of the Fathers' Association. 

The Chapel was consecrated on May 30, 1931 by The Right Reverend E. C. Acheson, D. D., Bishop of Connecticut.

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