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Kent School

Residential Life

Residential Life

Residential life at Kent creates a living atmosphere in which the campus becomes your home away from home and the community becomes family.

When you live where you learn, the divide between school and home disappears. The result is an environment in which what you learn in and out of class combine to help you contribute to the common good in the world beyond Kent School.



Intentional Community

Residential life is central to the vibrant boarding school community at Kent School. Students and faculty live together on campus and work purposefully to establish a culture of compassion, inclusivity, respect, and safety in and out of the dorms.

Spontaneous Collaboration

Whether during the academic day, study hall periods, or on the weekends, dorms at Kent provide space for planned and unplanned interactions with friends, classmates, and faculty. These connections will deepen your learning, build your empathy, and enhance your Kent School experience.

Autonomy in Community

Kent's six dorms each develop strength of character and an appreciation of the importance of diversity and difference. Dorm faculty embrace their roles as educators, parents, confidants, cheerleaders, and most importantly, people who deeply care about the well-being of our students.