Kent School
Academic Resource Center
Academic Resource Center
Kent's Academic Resource Center (ARC) is a place where students can set their own goals, organize their academic priorities, and seek help when questions arise.
The ARC is available to all Kent students, either for regularly scheduled meetings or as-needed consultations.
Strategic Support
In line with Kent’s mission to educate our students so that they will be prepared to contribute to the common good in the world beyond Kent School, the Academic Resource Center focuses not on content-specific help but on teaching and practicing how to:
- Organize course materials and critically engage with past and present work
- Build academic confidence and independent learning skills
- Ask questions, self-advocate, and communicate their ideas
- Reinforce course content by using global study strategies
We're Here to Help
Located on the second floor of the library, the ARC is open at two different times each day. During the academic day, students schedule 1:1 meetings to practice study techniques, learning strategies, time management skills, and more. At night, teachers are available for writing and math help. Students can schedule an appointment, or faculty may refer a student for required visits.
To learn more about the academic support program at Kent, please contact Academic Resource Center Director Bethany Booth.
Accommodations and Accessibility
Kent School strives to provide equal access to all programs and services in compliance with the ADA. Students with physical disabilities and/or learning differences are encouraged to seek support from the School to bolster their success.
Upon enrolling in Kent School, students and their parents/guardians are encouraged to submit all supporting documentation for the student’s physical and learning needs. A Learning Specialist will then evaluate the student’s documentation with the purpose of creating a learning support plan. College Board, ACT, and other standardized testing accommodations require a separate application and approval process to the Kent-specific accommodations described above.
Students with accommodations are strongly encouraged to schedule ARC appointments to learn about resources and supports, including assistive technology, that are available at Kent.
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